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6.2: Display positive dispositions related to their own reading and writing, and pursue the development of individual professional knowledge and behaviors.
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Letter of Invitation

Letter of Self Evaluation



While taking EDLIT742, I chose to focus on improving my practice in differentiating literacy instruction. I did some research on the topic and consulted with my peers. I also invited Professor Jenny Tutten into my classroom to observe me teaching. Prior to her visit I wrote a letter explaining my classroom context, my line of inquiry and the help that I felt I needed. After her visit, I had the opportunity to reflect on our meeting and my practice.



As a teacher and in my own life, I'm a very reflective person. I'm constantly thinking about my actions and how I can improve to make things better for myself and others. For this assignment, I was excited to have Jenny come into my classroom and observe. I wasn't confident in my reading instruction, especially when it came to guided reading, and I know having an outsider come in would be exactly what I needed to make steps towards improvement. Although Jenny had came to observe my reading lesson, it was the guided reading lesson that we reflected on most together. After observing my lesson , we sat down and discussed what went well and any areas that I could work on. Her positivity and support was helpful when receiving feedback on an area that I felt nervous about teaching in front of one. Many of the things we discussed I reflected on in my own letter of self evaluation. In this letter, I described what came of our discussion and what I was going to try next in order to improve my differentiation in my guided reading instruction. This experience made me feel more confident when it comes to inviting professionals into my classroom to give me constructive feedback that will help me improve as a literacy educator. 

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