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Assessments Method 1 (Recall): Anecdotal Observation/Individual Student Conferences for Activity 1 (Open Discussion/Read Aloud)

DOK Level One: Recall (Domain: Language Development)

Goal: Students will state elements and details of a story.

Specific Leaning Objective (SLO): After reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, students will recall 3 food items illustrated in the text.


Brief Anecdotal Observation of read Aloud-

The read aloud took place after students returned from yoga class around 10:45am. Before reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, the teacher asked students to focus on the cover and title. The questions she used in this discussion included, “can someone raise their hand and tell me what an author does?” “What about an illustrator?” “Looking at the cover, what do you think this book will be about?” After a few students shared their ideas, the teacher read through and paused a few times to ask students questions regarding the food items mentioned in the text (ex. “raise your hand if you like strawberries.”). During the read aloud, my targeted students participated in the discussion by raising their hands when asked if they like apples and watermelon. Both students remained seated throughout the read-aloud. Following the activity the students were told to head to the tables to depict the food items on green cutouts and writing sheets.


Individual Conferences/Unstructured Interview

Child- Jay

Me: Jay I saw you draw some yummy food items. What did the caterpillar eat again? He ate leaves, what else did he eat?

Jay: He, he…

Me: Remember he ate a lot of junk food?

Jay: He ate a watermelon.

Me: A watermelon?

Jay: And, and a lollipop.

Me: A lollipop!

Jay: And, and also, Ice Cream!


Child- Christina

Me: Good morning Christina

Christina: Morning

Me: I see you colored your circle orange. Is that from the story you guys read?

Christina: (nods head)

Me: What is it?

Christina: Orange

Me: Orange? Yum! Did the caterpillar eat the orange or did you?

Christina: The caterpillar

Me: what else did the caterpillar eat?

Christina: I don’t know

Me: I know it was read yesterday. Maybe it would help if we look at your classmate’s drawings. I think I see a strawberry.

Christina: Yeah strawberry.

Me: Anything else that was in the story?

Christina: Leaves.

Me: Did the caterpillar eat an apple too?

Christina: yeah!

Me: oh yeah, he had a leaf, a apple, and a ice cream cone, and a lot more right?

Christina: yeah


Formative Assessments Method 2 (Skill & Concept): Student Oral Presentations/Structured Interview for Activity 2 (Designing Your Own Caterpillar)

Goal: Students will show their created caterpillars.

Specific Leaning Objective (SLO): After a lesson on the anatomy of caterpillars, students will construct their own caterpillars in the art center and summarize their creation using expanded sentences.

Group Interview for completed Caterpillars:

Me: Tell me about your caterpillar guys. I want to know what color is your caterpillar or anything you want to tell me.

Jay: Mine is blue. He likes to eat fruits

Me: Is he the very hungry caterpillar?

Jay: (laughs) No.

Me: Why not?

Jay: ‘cause he blue.

Me: Does he have a name?

Jay: um, Henry

Me: Henry the caterpillar?!? I love it. What about yours Christina? What color is your caterpillar?

Christina: Pink (picks up caterpillar from table).

Jay: My likes to eat

Me: (To Jay) Can I hold yours?

Jay: (Hands caterpillar to me)

Me: (To Christina) Hello, my name is Henry, what is yours? (Jay reaches for his caterpillar back)

Christina: (Smiles).

Jay: My name is Henry (Holding caterpillar while talking)

Me: So what does Henry the caterpillar like to do? Does he like to sing like you?

Jay: No, he likes umm paint.

Me: Paint? Like being painted different colors?

Jay: yea

Me: That’s cool. But what is that (pointing to Christina’s caterpillar head)? What part of her body is that? Oh, I know, I know, her tail.

Christina: No! That’s her head.

Me: oh yeah, her head because her eyes are there right? (pointing to front of caterpillar)

Christina: (Nods her head).

Me: Later you should tell your friends about your caterpillar and show them.

(Teacher announces clean up time)


Formative Assessments Method #3: Rubric for Activity 3 (Matching and Sequencing)

Goal: Students will investigate the life cycle of a butterfly

Specific Leaning Objective (SLO): After a series of open discussions and activities on the life cycle of butterflies, using objects/laminated pictures students will differentiate and sequence the life cycle of a butterfly in four stages.


Child: Jay


1 Point

2 points

3 points

Sequencing the

life cycle using

objects or pics

Child is able to

sequence one or less

out of four life cycles.

Child is able to

sequence two to three

out of four life cycles

Child is able to

sequence all four life cycles


Matching number cards to objects or picture

Child is able to

match one or

less than one

Child is able to

match one to   two


Child is able to match all four






 Child: Christina


1 Point

2 points

3 points

Sequencing the

life cycle using

objects or pics

Child is able to

sequence one or less

out of four life cycles.

Child is able to

sequence two to three

out of four life cycles

Child is able to

sequence all four life cycles


Matching word cards to objects or picture

Child is able to

match one or

less than one

Child is able to

match one to   two


Child is able to match all four








DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.