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3.1: Understand types of assessments and their purposes, strengths, and limitations.
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In the EDLIT 731 course we had to the opportunity to understand and use a variety of assessment tools to plan and evaluate effective reading instruction through a series of clinical activities.  For the first clinical activtity we had to administer and interpret the Reading Interview assessment for the purpose of gauging a student's perceptions of the reading process, previous reading experiences, and models of reading in the student's life.  By understanding the purpose of this assessment I was able to utilize it to its full potential to aquire accurate results from the student.      



Assessments are vital when determining student success.  With the different tasks for each clinical activity I've had experience to understand a variety of assessment and, compare and contrast their purposes, strengths and limitations.  By administering the Reading Interview in a one-on-one setting with the student, I have have learned that using a clear, and gentle tone sets an environment for the student to feel comfortable to provide answers, not stressed or pressured.

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